DWP Digital – PIP case review

The Challenge

The existing Personal Independent Payments (PIP) process starts with a phone call. Working in one of the teams to digitise the application I was responsible for the design of the PIP Case review. This was an internal set of screens for case managers to review the incoming application, along with any supporting evidence in order to send it on for a decision or refer for a further face to face assessment.

My core responsibilities:
As the Senior Designer I was responsible for conceptualising screens, observing user testing with our case managers, building HTML prototypes and presenting ideas back to the project board.

The Approach

Collaboration:  This was a unique project that relied on working closely with the PIP application team as they built and refined the screens that would capture the information which we would display in our service.

After mapping out the information required, i worked closely with the content designer to group the content together and refine the order. I created screens directly into Miro to share with other team members and work on iterations with Content Designers, BAs and the programme manager.

These were then presented back to a pool of case managers in research sessions. From there many rounds of refinements and changes were made to

  • Designed screens for applicants personal details, conditions and activities.
  • Revised the content order and layout following a series of user research sessions.
  • Created working Prototypes using the GDS Toolkit hosted on Heroku.
  • Coded a complicated prototype to enable case managers to add questions about a case on specific conditions, activities or evidence. Then add an answer at a later date.
  • Worked closely with other DWP departments to create a consistent lefthand navigation that would work across different applications.

review activities

personal details page

Project overview

Digitising the PIP journey. Creating an online review for  Case Managers. Working alongside the applications team and the the Health Assessment Service.