DWP Digital – PIP case review

The Challenge
The existing Personal Independent Payments (PIP) process starts with a phone call. My work with DWP was to help digitise the PIP Case review process so that case officers could review cases faster and more accurately.
The approach
I was part of a multidisciplinary team to digitise the PIP Case review. This was an internal set of screens for case managers to review an incoming application. Plus any supporting evidence in order to send it on for a decision or refer for further assessment. The content is broken down iand grouped into 4 main sections. Personal Details, Conditions, Activities and Questions and Answers.
Personal details – split into sections using tabs to allow caseworkers to find contact details for the applicant, health professional and any additional support or communication preferences.
Conditions and activities – core criteria for the assessment and an applicants responses for each needs to be displayed clearly.
Questions and answers – something that case officers told us they needed. An area where they could record any questions they needed to ask an applicant or medical professional based on what they had read from the applicant’s responses. They currently do this on a separate piece of paper
The full scale of the Case review process and the user journeys are displayed in the complete sitemap below. This is created in Mural and the prototype in the GDS toolkit.

The result
- Designed screens for applicants personal details, conditions and activities.
- Revised the content order and layout after a series of user research sessions.
- Created working Prototypes using the GDS Toolkit hosted on Heroku.
- Coded a sophisticated prototype to enable case managers to add questions about a case on specific conditions, activities or evidence. Then add an answer at a later date.
- Worked closely with other DWP departments to create a consistent lefthand navigation that would work across different applications.
Feedback informed the team we needed a working prototype that allowed case workers to review a claimants details, responses and record any questions they had and assign it to a claimant, or an internal or external medical support professional for answers. The prototype presented a dynamic number of unanswered questions which increased as more questions were asked.
I enabled case officers to record the answers to these questions in the system and the number decreased dynamically.
The interesting twist was after user testing with case workers they realised they didn’t want a question or answer section. They often did not receive any answers and often wouldn’t want their notes logged in the assessment. Consequently, the option of adding and removing a questions was removed, resulting in a much smoother user journey. A full description of these changes can be seen in the Powerpoint presentation which I presented back to the project team.
review activities review personal details
Project overview
DWP Digital
October 2022
Digitising the PIP journey. Creating an online review for Case Managers. Working alongside the applications team and the the Health Assessment Service.