Category Archives: Blog

Portfolio website redesign
I have redesigned my portfolio website. It is a new WordPress theme which I have customised and I am happy that it is better than the design it replaces. Like many user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) designers I spend all day making interfaces look more intuitive, cleaner and eye catching. My own site…

Profiterole – Wedding photography
This profiterole photo is part of a series of photographs taken for a friends wedding. I was asked to take some photographs for a friends wedding which is an unenviable task, particularly if they are a good friend. I took some suitable shots of the day including a few of the food which the caterer…

My T25 VW Camper van
After owning a Mazda Bongo a few years ago i decided to take the plunge and buy a camper van. This VW T25 is 31 years old and is in good condition for its age. He is called Pippin and a video of the previous owner can be seen above and on youtube. It has…

Yatton’s Book Swap
A new lease of life for the village red telephone box. A great deal has happened since I first thought about updating the telephone box into a book swap and all of it positive. Thanks to a warm dry summer, I have spent time sanding, priming and repainting it. This took longer than i had…
Books in a telephone box – an awesome response!
Following on from my post about my efforts to restore and re purpose Yatton’s old red telephone box I have had an awesome response. Well over 100 likes on Facebook, some small PayPal donations and yesterday an article was published in the local newspaper. It is clear to see from the newspaper photo the poor…